Friday, July 6, 2007

Progess on the football pitch

The lads have done serious work - the paunches are trimming up nicely! They leave early @ 7.30 (while the women snooze and emerge later- except for Joy who is putting them to shame)
These photos give a flavour of how they have cleared an area which was totally covered in schrub with deep roots - the weather determined how much could be don - the sun and the rain drove them to pick up paint brushes. They employed some locals to help. currently they are trying to get machinery to grade the area.

The men were impressed by Mrs. Moses who chopped the head of a snake off with her shovel and with the kids who caught a rat by the ail as it was about to disappear! Indeed both of Moses wives impressed Charles - he is sending a warning to Breda to behave herself!!!
The photo below was uploaded by accident - but a frequent sight!

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